Monday 13 May 2013

Leaving Cert Music Composing Guidelines Notes

Here are some of my notes that I have made to guide us students through the composing section of the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Music paper.

Music - Leaving Certificate – Composing Paper
Section B: Question 4, composing melody and bass notes from a set of chords.

• Input the notes of the chords into the chord-bank grid in the correct key of the
• Don't forget to add #/b (sharp/flat) and add the 7th to the dominant (V7).
• Study the music thats given first.
• Try to pick out any musical features or musical styles before you start.
• Using the chords given, compose melody notes and a bass to complete the
piece in the given style.
• C = C in the bass, C/E = E in the bass, C/G = G in the bass, C7 = C in the bass,
C7/E = E in the bass, C7/G = G in the bass, C7/Bb = Bb in the bass.
• If C/E or another inversion is in a major chord, don't use the 3rd (E) twice, don't
put the E in the bass and the melody.
• The bass and the melody have to be melodic and strong as a melodic line.
• Finish the piece on a long note in the tonic (note of the chord, e.g. C Major,
finish on C) in the melody and the bass.
• Fill in the bass notes first.
• Be sure that the rhythm is correct and that the bass notes are correct, with the
alignment included, written neatly and clearly.
• Think about the examiner correcting your work, it has to be easy to read.
• If the examiner finds your work difficult to read or play, marks will be lost and
your not showing respect for your work, be proud of your work!
• Avoid and don't include a 7th leap/jump or a descending 4th. Move in steps for
most of the piece, an 8ve (octave) leap is much better.
• Identify the cadences at the and of every 4 bars, how to deal with them and
maybe use a long or repeated note here.
• Be sure that there is continuity in bars 4-5, 8-9 and 12-13 especially.
• Make sure to develop the beginning and develop motifs and figures.
• Use auxiliary notes to move the melody along smoothly and to give it a better
• Try to add a sequence to the melody and to develop it, maybe in bars 9-12.
• Don't add a syncopated rhythm unless its part of the given style.
• Don't put a quaver before a dotted crochet. Be careful with the metre.
• Be sure that there is a wide range of notes throughout the piece.
• Try not to use the same notes over and over again.
• Be careful and don't forget to use the #7 in a minor key, you have to input it as
an accidental every time that its used.
• Use the #6 and #7 when the music continues to the tonic.
• The two lines have to be interesting, melodic and different from each other.
• Add contrast to the piece by using contrary motion, inversions and sequences

Leaving Cert French - L'intimidation (cyberbullying)

Here are some useful phrases to use and prepare for L'intimidation (cyberbullying) and below there is also a sample answer with English translation!

Leaving Cert French – La cyberintimidation ( cyberbullying )
La cyberintimidation devient de plus en plus sérieux. Connaissez-vous quelqu'un
qui á déjà subi genre de harcélement? Á votre avis, comment faut-il réagir si on est
victime du cyberintimidation.
Á mon avis, la cyberintimidation est un probléme croissant pour les jeunes dans
notre societé.
La cyberintimidation repose sur le pouvoir et le contrôle. Il y a beaucoup de choses
á faire si tu es harcelé sur Internet. D'abord, dis-le á un adulte et parler avec des
amis pour resolve le probléme. Bloque les massages de l'expéditeur. Fermé
l'ordinateur et ne réponds jamais á des messages de harcélément.
Pour conclure, il est necessaire pour attendre la cyberintimidation rapidement et
maintenant. C'est un monde trés dangereux pour les jeunes aujourd'hui.
Cyberbullying is becoming more and more serious. Do you know someone
that has already been harassed? In your opinion, how should we react if one is
a victim of cyberbullying.
In my opinion, cyberbullying is a growing problem for young people in our

Cyberbullying is based on power and control. There are loads of things to do if
you are harassed on the Internet. First of all, tell and adult and talk to your
friends to resolve the problem. Block the messages from the sender. Close the
computer and never respond to messages of harassment.
To conclude, it is necessary to stop cyberbullying fast and now. It is a very
dangerous world for young people today.

Useful Key Phrases:

➔ La cyberintimidation devient de plus en plus sérieux = (Cyberbullying is becoming
more and more serious).
➔ La cyberintimidation est un probléme croissant pour les jeunes dans notre societé =
(Cyberbullying is a growing problem for young people in our society ).
➔ La cyberintimidation repose sur le pouvoir et le contrôle = (Cyberbullying is based
on power and control).
➔ La cyberintimidation se définit comme l'utilisation de l'informatique au d'autres
technologie dans le but de harcéler ou de menacer une personne = (Cyberbullying
is defined as the use of computers or other technology for the purpose of harassing
or threatening a person).
➔ Il existe plusiers maniéres d'intimider les autres sur l'internet = (There are several
ways to intimidate others on the Internet).
➔ L'intimidation prend diverses formes = (Bullying takes many forms).
➔ Envoi de courriels ou de messages instantanés contenant des iinsultes ou des
menaces = (Sending emails or instant messages containing insults or threats ).
➔ Vol de mots de passe et envoi de courriels ou de messages instantanés menacents
= (Theft of passwords and sending threatening emails or instant messages ).
➔ En empruntant une fausse identité = (Using a false identity).
➔ Création de sites Web, souvent avec une protection par mot de passe, afin de cibler
des personnes précices = (Creation of Websites, often with password protection, to
target specific individuals).
➔ Certains formes de cyberintimidation sont considérées comme des actes criminels
= (Certain forms of cyberbullying are considered to be criminal acts ).
➔ Les fournisseurs d'accés à Internet et les entreprises de téléphonie mobile peuvent
réagir aux cas de cyberintimidation survenus = (Internet access providers and
mobile phone companies may respond to the cases of cyberbullying ).
➔ Sur leurs réseaux ou aider les clients á identifier le fournisseur de services
concerné = (on their networks or help customers identify the service provider
➔ Les parents doivent dire à leurs enfants de ne pas effacer les messages = (Parents
must tell their children not to erase the messages).
➔ Afin de garder une preuve et de les citer comme référence à la personne chargée
de résoudre le probléme = (In order to keep evidence and quote them as a
reference for the person resposible in solving the problem).
➔ La plupart des actes de cyberintimidation surviennent lorsque les adultes sont
absents = (Most acts of cyberbullying occur when adults are absent ).
➔ Voici quelques conseils à donner aux enfants de votre famille = (Here are some
tips to give to the children in your family).
➔ Ne donne pas ton numéro de téléphone cellulaire = (Do not give your mobile phone
➔ Ton nom sur les programmes des messagerie instantanée = (Your name on instant
messaging programmes).
➔ Ou ton adresse courriel á une personne que tu ne connais pas = (Or your email
address to someone you don't know).
➔ Si tu es hacelé sur l'internet, fais immédiatement ce qui suit = (If you are harassed
on the Internet, immediately do the following).
➔ Dis-le à un adulte en qui tu as confiance = (Say it to an adult that you trust ).
➔ Quitte l'endroit de la discussion ou mets-y fin immédiatement, i.e. Salon de
clavardage ou messagerie instantanée = (Leave the place of discussion or put an
end to it immediately, i.e. Chat room or instant messaging).
➔ Bloque les messages de l'expéditeur = (Block the messages from the sender ).
➔ Ne réponds jamais à des messages de harcélement = (Never respond to
messages of harassment).
➔ Sauvegarde tous les messages de harcélement = (Backup/save all messages of
➔ Envoie-les à ton fournisseur d'accés à l'internet = (Send them to your Internet
access provider).
➔ Si l'intimidation comporte des menaces, contactes la police = (If the bullying
includes threats, contact the police).
➔ Lorsque tu contates une situation de harcélement sur l'internet, n'hésite pas à le
dire quelques chose = (When you notice a situation of harassment on the internet,
do not hesitate to say something).
➔ La plupart des jeunes réagissent mieux á leurs amis et les écouteront plus qu'un
adulte = (Most people respond better to their friends and listen to them more than
an adult).

Saturday 11 May 2013

French - Production Écrite

Sample essays on drugs, sport, alcohol, environment, obesity, fashion etc. for  Production Écrite with English translations.

Leaving Cert French – La publicité ( advertising )
Quels sont les advantages de la publicité?
Je partage l'opinion exprimée dans cette declaration. C'est vrai sans aucune doute
que la publicité exerce une influence énorme sur la vie des jeunes d'aujourd'hui.
La publicité excerce une influence énorme sur la vie de tout le monde. Á mon avis,
la publicité occupe une place trés importante dans la vie actuelle. Les entreprises
investissent énornément d'argent dans les publicités de nos jours. Elle encourage
la concurrence et fait boisser les prix des produits.
On ne devrait jamais être esclave de la publicité. Je m'oppose totalement á l'idée
que les sports comme le rugby soient sponsorisés par des fabricants de biére. On
peut l'aimer ou la détester mais une chose est certain, c'est qu'on ne peut pas
What are the advantages of advertising?
I share the opinion expressed in this statement. It is true without any doubt that
advertising exerts a huge influence on the lives of young people today.
Advertising exerts a huge influence of everybody. In my opinion, advertising
has a very important place in life at the moment. Companies are investing a
great amount of money in advertisements these days. It encourages
competition and controls the prices of products.
One should never be a slave of advertising. I am totally against the idea that
sports like rugby are sponsored by beer manufacturers. You can love it or hate
it but one thing is certain, you cannot ignore it.

Leaving Cert French – La protection de l'environment
Quelles sont les causes principales de la pollution dans notre monde?
Dans nos sociétés modernes, la pollution est causée par différents facteurs. Les
produits chimiques contaminent les riviéres et les lacs.
Les gaz d'échappement des voitures dans nous villes posént un séieux probléme
pour l'envoironment. On doit interdine les aéosols et les produit chimiques qui
misent á la santé et á l'atmosphere. Je crois que la destruction des forêts tropicales
est un des problémes les plus inquitants de notre époque. On dit que vingt hectares
de forêt disparaissent á chaque minute.
Il faut sérarer les déchets et recycler au maximum. Il faut utiliser la fenêtre alimenté
solaire. Elles ne nuisent á personne.
What are the main causes of pollution in our society?
In our modern society, pollution is caused by various factors. Chemical
products contaminate the rivers and the lakes.
The exhaust fumes in cars in the cities pose a serious problem for the
environment. Aerosols and chemical products which harm health and the
atmosphere must be banned. I believe that the destruction of tropical forests is
one of the problems concerned of our time. It is said that twenty hectares of
forest disappear every minute.
One must separate the waste and recycle to the maximum. One should use
solar-powered windows. They don't harm anyone.

Leaving Cert French – La mode ( fashion )
Porquoi est-ce qui les gens s'intéressent tellement á la mode de nos jours?
Je partage l'opinion exprimée dans cette decleration. C'est vrai sens aucune doute
que la mode sxcerce une influence enorme sur la vie des jeunes aujourd'hui.
Actuellement, en Irlande les jeunes sont trés branchés et font tr es attention a la
mode, soi á la télévision ou dans les journaux. Les magazines et la télévision nous
tiennent au courant de ce qui se passe au niveau de la mode. Énorménent de
jeunes travaillent á mi-temps pour pouvoir s'achéter des vêtements chic, comme
leurs amis.
Parfois, je me demande si la beauté naturelle est en voie de disparition.
Why is is that people are son interested in fashion these days?
I share the same opinion expressed in this statement. It's true without any
doubt that fashion has a huge influence on the lives of young people today.
At the moment, in Ireland young people are very hooked and create attention
with fashion, either on the TV or in the newspapers. Magazines and television
keep us informed of what is happening at the level of fashion. The majority of
young people work part-time so they are able to stylish clothes, like their
Sometimes, I wonder if the natural beauty is in the process of disappearence.

(2011, Q.3 a) Leaving Cert French – L'alcool ( a lcohol )
<<Trop boire, c'est la cauchemar!>>
Tout d'abord, il faut dire que je bois un peu mais pas trop. Je mets l'accent sur la
moderation. Je trouve que ça me détend. Un consummation moderée d'alcool ne
fait de mal á personne mais il faut savoir s'arreter.
C'est vrai sans aucune doute que l'abus d'alcool nuit á la santé. En Irlande, les
jeunes font de la fete presque tous les weekends et pour feter la fin des examens,
par example. Beacoup de jeunes boivent pour être branchés eu pour fair comme
leurs copains. Ils ne se rendent pas compte des consequences de l'alcool sur leur
santé. L'alcool cause des problémes sociaux et des problémes dans les famille,
comme des disputes.
Á mon avis, il y a trop de publicité á la télévision pour l'alcool. Les jeunes sont trés
influencés par ce qu'ils voient á la télévision et la publicité pour l'alcool encourage
les jeunes á boire trop.
<<Drinking too much, it's the nightmare!>>
First of all, it must be said that I drink a little but not too much. I put emphasis on
moderation. I find that it relaxes me. A moderate alcohol consumption does not hurt
anyone but you need to know when to stop.
It's true without any doubt that alcohol is bad for health. In Ireland, young
people celebrate almost every weekend and celebrate the end of exams, for
example. A lot of young people drink to be cool or to be like their friends. They
do not realise the consequences of alcohol on their health. Alcohol problems
cause social problems and problems in the family, as well as fights.
In my opinion, there is too much advertising on the television for alcohol.
Young people are very influenced by what they see on television and the
advertising for alcohol encourages you people to drink too much.

Leaving Cert French – L'obesité ( obesity )
(2010, Q.3 a)
C'est vrai sans aucune doute que l'obesité est devenue un grand probléme en
Irlande, surtout parmi les jeunes. Selon les sondages recents, des plus en plus
jeunes prennent du poids.
C'est n'est pas difficile de trouver les causes le mauvais regime et la manque
d'exercice. Les adolescents mangent mal. Ils mangent de la nourriture mauvais tel
que les hamburgers, les frites, le chocolat et ils boivent les boissons gazeuses et
alcoolisées. De nos jours, tout le monde est prossé et n'a pas assez de temps pour
fair la cuisine. Il est plus facile de courir á la restauration rapide pour un repas prêta
porter. Les jeunes passent trop de temps á regarder la télé ou devant l'ecran de
leurs ordinateurs.
Á mon avis, il est trés important de faire su sport regulierement. Le sport est trés
bon pour la santé et c'est un trés bon moyen de garder la former. En conclusion, il
faut dire que l'obesité est un maladie qui peut avoir de graves consequences
physiques et psychologique.
It's true without any doubt that obesity has become a big problem in Ireland,
especially amongst the young. According to recent surveys, more and more
young people are putting on weight.
It's not hard to find the causes, bad diet and lack of exercise. Young people eat
badly. They eat bad food such as hamburgers, chips chocolate and they drink
fizzy drinks and alcoholic drinks. These days everyone is in a hurry and one
does not have the time to cook. It is easier to fast-food restaurants for ready
made meals. Young people spend too much time watching TV or in front of
their computer screens.
In my opinon, it is very important to do sport regularly. Sport is good for the
health and it's a very good way of staying in shape. In conclusion, it has to be
said that obesity is an illness that can have serious physical and psychological

Leaving Cert French – Le sport
(2009, Q.3 a)
Cette illusration montre les résultats d'un sondage récent sur le sport.
Que representé le sport pour vous?
Je partage l'opinion exprimée dans cette declaration. C'est vrai sans aucune doute
que le sport est important dans la vie des jeunes aujourd'hui.
Sport joue un rôle important dans la vie des jeunes aujourd'hui. Á mon avis, il est
trés important de faire du sport regulierement. Les jeunes passent trop de temps á
regarder la télé ou devant l'ecran de leurs ordinateurs. Le sport est trés bon pour la
santé et c'est un trés bon moyen de garder la former. La samedi matin, je vais á la
piscine. Je trouve que la natation me détend. C'est un trés bon moyen de controller
la pression des examens.
La weekend J'ai besoin d'un passe-temps pour me détendre. Il est trés important de
manger de facon equilibrée et de faire de l'exercice pour se sentir bien et pour
garder la ligne.
I share the same opinion expressed in this statement. It's true without any
doubt that sport is important in the life of young people today.
Sport plays and important role in the life of young people today. In my opinion,
it is very important to do sport regularly. Young people spend too much time
watching TV or in front of their computer screens. Sport is very good for health
and it's a very good way of staying in shape. On Saturday morning, I go to the
swimming pool. I find that it relaxes me. It's a very good way of controlling the
pressure of exams.
At the weekend, I need a hobby to relax. It's very important to have a balanced
diet and to do some exercise to feel well and to stay in shape.

English Comparative Study 2013 Cultural Context

Here is a sample answer on cultural context of the comparative study.

Leaving Cert English – Comparative Study 2013 – Cultural Context
The texts that I have studied as part of my comparative course to answer this
question are The Road, a typical dystopian novel written by Cormac Mc Carthy,
Children of Men, a film directed by Alfonso Cuarôn based on a book written by P.D.
James and the Great Scottish tragedy Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare.
When we look at the issue of cultural context , we are simply looking at the world in
which the action of the text takes place. There are four areas that link our texts
under cultural context. Each writer, director and playwright crafts a believable world
through the use of vivid images and believable characters. They use tension and
drama to draw us into these worlds. We care about what happens to the characters.
It's almost like we have a personal reaction to what the characters face in each text
and how we feel about the different challenges that they face throughout each text.
I have outlined below the different characteristics of each of these worlds. I have
based these four general areas on questions asked in previous years.

1. Broken, disjointed, dark worlds
In each case, we are introduced to broken, violent worlds where the rules, laws and
morals of the ordinary world have been replaced by violence, lawlessness and on
the surface, a complete breakdown of normal moral behaviour. It is worth noting,
that in each case the damage seems to have been caused by mankind. Decisions
made by us. This is hinted in 'The Road' and is clearly seen in 'Children of Men' and
'Macbeth'. When the witches in 'Macbeth speak of a world turned on its head where
“fair is foul and foul is fair”, they perfectly summarise the dark world of my three
texts. We see this darkness clearly in (choose two examples from each text and
The Road:
Children of Men:

2. There is in each of our texts: hope and goodness
On the surface, the worlds exposed in each text seem to be an evil place where
greed, violence and murder are rewarded. The more cruel, greedy and violent you
are, the greater chance you will have to survive and thrive in each of our three texts.
These seem to be values that most hold.
However, by the time we finish each text, we see that even in the seemingly twisted
worlds of each text, the good and those with hope and morals are rewarded and the
heroic and bad will be punished for their behaviour. This is particularly true in
'Macbeth', but can also be seen in all three texts. In each of our texts, we see that
even though the cultural context seems totally twisted, there is always hope and
there are always people who do the right thing. For each of our writers their worlds
are not totally damned and hopeless. There is a sense of optimism in each of our
texts. True, there is fear, violence and un-controlled ambition, but there is also love,
bravery, mortality and loyalty. (choose two examples from each text and explain).
The Road:
Children of Men:

3. We are all shaped by the worlds in which we live and the characters in each of
our texts are no different.
So how are each of our characters shaped by the world and circumstances that
they face? Within each text, we see that not all characters respond in the same way
to the world in which they find themselves. Ask yourself this. Do the male and
female characters in each text respond differently to the challenges and
opportunities placed before them? In each of our three texts, the men definitely
seem to shine. Some characters, like the mother in 'Children of Men', simply fold
and give up.
In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth', Lady Macbeth seems driven by a lunatic desire for
power. Others choose to do the hard thing and carry on. The father and son in 'The
Road', Theo in 'Children of Men' and Macduff in 'Macbeth' are all examples of
individuals that look at their twisted worlds and instead of just going with the flow,
they choose to do the right thing and “swim against the tide”. As we are told in 'The
Road', some choose to “carry the light”, whilst others choose selfishness, greed,
murder and even cannabalism. (choose two examples from each text and explain).
Carrying the light
The Road:
Children of Men:
Those who choose greed, violence and evil
The Road:
Children of Men:

4. The worlds explored in each of our texts are divided places
Even in a world shattered and broken by unknown or man-made events there are
those who seem to hold and control power and wealth. The most obvious example
is 'Macbeth'. The lives of the lowly chamberlains (bodyguards) are considered
worthless. Lady Macbeth and Lord Macbeth never cast them a second thought. The
lives of the King, Queen and Thanes are all full of wealth, power and splendour.
They have absolute control over their subjects and what they say goes. In 'Children
of Men', we see a world with less that sixty years left as manking awaits the death
of the last human. Even in this dark world, wealth and power are in the hands of
those who rule, while the illegal immigrants live in condition best suited to animals.
In 'The Road', the world is divided between those who control the road and the
weapons and those who are weak and vulnerable. Each writer seems fascinated by
these divisions which are also so apparent in our single text and many of our
poems. (choose two examples from each text and explain).
The Road:
Children of Men:

English - The Great Gatsby (Single Text) Sample Answers

As part of my Leaving Certificate English course, higher level, we're studying The Great Gatsby novel by F.Scott Fitzgerald (film is out in cinemas on May 16th!). It's a beautiful book to read and is easy to understand for our English course.

Below I have comprised a summary, and analysis of all character including theme, motifs and sample essays which should pretty much cover the Great Gatsby entirely. Feel free to use them to your advantage.

Sample Answer 1:
Compare and contrast Gatsby and Tom. How are they alike? How are they different?
Given the extremely negative light in which Tom is portrayed throughout the novel,
why might Daisy choose to remain with him instead of leaving him for Gatsby?
Mr. 'Jay' Gatsby is the main character in the novel. Gatsby is a wealthy man living in
West Egg in his mansion were he hosts his lavish parties. Gatsby orders his life
around one desire – to be runited with Daisy Buchannan, the love he lost five years
earlier. His quest for the American dream leads him from poverty to wealth, into the
arms of his beloved Daisy, and eventually at the end of the novel, to death.
Early in the book, he is established as a bit of a mysterious character. As the story
unfolds, however, we learn more about the mysterious Gatsby. Everything he has
done in his life has been for the sole purpose of fulfilling the most unrealistic of
dreams – to recapture the past. Gatsby started with very little money and then all of a
sudden he became rich. He then fell in love with Daisy Buchannan and after meeting
her, everything he did in his life was for the purpose of winning her heart.
Tom Buchannan is Daisy's husband and he lives a life of luxury in East Egg. Tom is
very protective of his wife, Daisy, and when Tom finds out that Daisy loves Gatsby,
he confronts him about it. Tom dismisses Gatsby – and his wife, Daisy – giving him
permission to drive her home from the city, as we know he stays close to Daisy
throughout the novel, showing us the love that he has for her.
The quality of Tom that's most likely to stick with the reader is the fact that he's
abusive and violent towards his wife, Daisy. Tom's abusiveness in the novel really
comes across when we see him break Myrtle Wilson's nose with the “short deft
movement” of his open hand. He seems to think that he is better than everyone else
because of his wealth and he does not like to express his own thoughts and feelings,
especially around Daisy.
The characters of Tom and Gatsby are more alike than they appear to be. However,
they also share some differences too. Both characters 'use' many people throughout
the novel . Also, neither Tom nor Gatsby really truly love Daisy. One of their greatest
differences is that Gatsby is much more pleasant than Tom. They both have two
different personalities, yet can relate to the same secret affairs that occur throughout
the book. First and most obvious, Tom and Gatsby both use other people throughout
the book. Gatsby was just using Nick Carraway, the narrator of the novel. He wanted
to find Daisy again, but he didn't know anyone who knew her. When he found out
that Nick knew Daisy, they became good friends and he wanted to know more about
her. He made Nick invite Daisy over for tea. He did that so Tom would leave her and
so that they would have a reason for meeting. Tom wants Daisy so bad because to
lose her would be to lose a part of himself.
Tom is an overpowering character. Gatsby, on the other hand, is barely recognised at
his own parties. Tom was born with money and privilege but Gatsby engaged in
bussiness dealings to earn his fortune. They both treat their money pretty casually,
however, Tom uses his to travel and please himself, while Gatsby sees money as the
means to an end to win Daisy back, since that's the reason why she couldn't marry
him all those years ago.
Both men love Daisy, though Tom has shown disrespect for her since the day they
were married. We do see love toward them at the end of the novel. If both Gatsby and
Tom were to lose Daisy, they would be deeply crushed as Tom's pride would not
survive the loss and Gatsby's dream of a life with Daisy eventually kills him. Gatsby
and Tom are two rich men who love the same woman, Daisy Buchannan, but she can only
choose one of them!

Sample Answer 2:

Discuss Gatsby's character as Nick perceives him throughout the novel. What makes
Gatsby “great”?
There is one thing in the relationship between Gatsby and Nick that cannot be
decided. Does Gatsby really want a friendship with Nick or does he just use him in
order to get closer to Daisy? It seems that Gatsby's only aim is to start an affair with
Daisy again and it seems that at the beginning Nick was only interesting to him
because he knew Daisy.
Altough both characters are neighbours, Nick and Gatsby live in different lifestyles.
While Nick's house is a more modernised size, Gatsby lives in a huge mansion that
can hold up to hundreds of guests as he frequently hosts his extravagent parties
throughout the novel. For Gatsby, nothing is more important than financial success
and it seems that Gatsby has just that with the money he has, the mansion he owns
and the cars he drives. He can't imagine anyone to be his friend if he was poor and to
make things worse, he is right because Daisy left him because he wasn't wealthy. Its
surprising enough that he even likes Nick although he isn't very rich, because in all of
his relationships with other characters money plays an important role.
Gatsby longs to be a part of the “high” society and an important symbol for this is
that he is very wealthy and has an expensive mansion, but nevertheless lives in East
Egg while the “real” high society lives in West Egg. At the end of the novel, it
appears that Nick Carraway was one of his only real friends. When Gatsby stopped
giving large parties, the cars that drove onto his drive waited just a minute.
Nick seems to be more or less the only character who cares about him after his death.
So he (Nick) is the one to organise the funeral and is, apart from Gatsby's father, the
only person who attends.
Gatsby made a lot of his money by selling alcohol illegally during the time of
prohibition. When Myrtle Wilson is killed, the only thing that matters for Gatsby is
Daisy's reaction. Nevertheless, Nick stays with Gatsby that evening and they have a
very long conversation in which Gatsby tells Nich the whole story of Daisy from
beginning to end. This is probably the strongest proof for Nick and Gatsby having a
close friendship in the entire novel, and it is also a good example of their close
feelings towards each other.

Sample Answer 3:

The characters of Fitzgerald's novel are often deeply flawed, showing only small
signs of goodness. Can the same be said of the central characters at the heart of
“The Great Gatsby”?
I completely agree with the above statement. The characters of Fitzgerald's novel are
often deeply flawed, showing only small signs of goodness. All of the characters have
a “bad” side and are not perfect. In one sense, the title of the novel is ironic: the title
character in neither “great” nor named Gatsby. He is a criminal whose real name is
James Gatz.
I'm going to start off by discussing Gatsby as he is the main character in the novel.
Gatsby is the main character in the novel and in one sense, the title of the novel is
ironic. Gatsby is a criminal whose real name is James Gatz and the life he created for
himself is, in some ways, almost like an illusion. Gatsby is deeply flawed and far
from perfect. He has been involved in some criminal activities during his life that
eventually got him the money that he has today. No crime is victimless.
Nick Carraway is one of the few characters in the novel that is particulary taken with
Gatsby and considers him a great figure. He sees both the extraordinary quality of
hope that Gatsby possesses and his idealistic dream of loving Diasy Buchannan in a
perfect world.
Though Nick recognises Gatsby's flaws for the first time he meets him, he cannot
help but admire Gatsby's romantic idealization for Daisy. Nick alone, among the
novel's other characters, recognises that Gatsby's love for Daisy has less to do with
Daisy's inner qualities than his own. Gatsby has not worked hard for his money. He
sold illegal alcohol to people on the streets of New York and this money suddenly
turned his life from a poor man to a rich man. Everything Gatsby does, every party he
throws is all part of his plan to win back Daisy Buchannan. He uses many tactics to
win Daisy back. For example, while showing her around his house, he starts showing
off his wealth by showing Daisy his collection of shirts while throwing them all over
the room.
Fitzgerald portrays the American Dream in the 1920s as an era of social and moral
values, the differentiation between the rich and the “less-rich”. This has all led to
extravagent parties and wild jazz music – all of which is shown in The Great Gatsby
by the parties that Gatsby throws every Saturday night. The clash between “old
money” and “new money” justifies itself in the novel as East Egg represents the
“less-rich” and West Egg represents the “self-made rich”. In the novel, easy money
and social values have currupted this dream.Gatsby's dream of loving Daisy is ruined
by the difference in their social classes, with Gatsby resoring in crime to make
enough money to impress Daisy.
America aspires to be a just equal society but years after this novel was written, the
same snobbery, the same racism and the same divisions explored in this novel are a
part of daily American life. One of the major themes explored in this novel is wealth,
and how the “minted” millionaires of the 1920s differ from and relate to the country's
richest families. West Egg represents the “newly-rich” (Gatsby), while East Egg
represents the “less-rich”, especially Daisy and Tom Buchannan. For example,
Gatsby live in a huge mansion, always wears a suit, drives expensive cars and invites
every neighbour to his lavish parties. However, the “less-rich” possess elegance and
beauty, shown by the Buchannan's welcoming home and the appearance of Daisy
Buchannan and Jordan Baker.
Gatsby's good qualities , loyalty and love, lead to his death at the end of the novel, as
he takes the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson rather than letting Daisy be punished.
This shows us the love he had for Daisy and using his rich side to keep her in his
Tom Buchannan is another character that shows no signs of goodness. Tom is Daisy's
husband who comes from a wealthy background and leads a life of luxury in East
Egg. Daisy invites everyone for lunch and her conversation makes it clear to Tom that
she and Gatsby are in love. Specifically, Daisy is attracted to money which, in turn,
can be lavished on her. Money is one of the reasons she's married Tom and why she's
in love with Gatsby. Money is one of the reasons she was uneasy about Gatsby in the
beginning of their relationship, it is one of the reasons she becomes reconnected with
him, or more specifically, one of the things he uses to succesfully attract her.
Tom is very protective of his wife, Daisy, and when Tom figures out that Daisy loves
Gatsby, he confronts him about it. Tom dismisses Gatsby and his wife Daisy, giving
him permission to drive her home from the city, as we know he stays close to Daisy
throughout the novel, showing us the love that he has for her.
The quality of Tom that's most likely to stick with the reader is the fact that he's
violent towards his wife, Daisy and is also racist. Tom's abusiveness in the novel
really comes across when we see him break Myrtle Wilson's nose with the “short deft
movement” of his open hand. He seems to think that he is better than everyone else
because of his wealth and he does not like to express his own thoughts or feelings,
especially around Daisy.
Daisy is a rather disappointing character. Despite her beauty and charm, Daisy is
selfish, and in fact, a hurtful woman. Gatsby loves her with such determination that
readers would like to see her be worthy of his devotion. When she attends one of
Gatsby's parties, aside from the time she spends with Gatsby, she has an unpleasant
time. Daisy's character come into question in the way she speaks of her daughter,
Pammy. “I hope she'll be a fool”, she says. Clearly Daisy has some experience of her
own in this area and implies tha the world is no place for a woman. The best she can
do is hope to survive and the best way to do that is through her beauty and elegance.
Later on, in Chapter 7, when Pammy makes her only appearance, Daisy treats her like
an object, showing her off for guests, suggesting Daisy's lack of concern for her child.
Daisy's life revolves around herself, allowing Pammy in only when its convenient.
When Tom and Gatsby have their argument at the hotel in Chapter 7, Daisy's
motivations are called into question: her inhability to deny having loved Tom speaks
well for her, but at the same time, it suggests that her attachment to Gatsby has been
purely for his money. Tom also knows that after Daisy realises Gatsby is not of the
same social class, she will return to Tom for the comfort and protection that his
money and power will bring.
The characters in Fitzgerald's novel all have their own inner qualities which seperate
them apart from each other. They are far from perfect, with everyone of them each
with their own fault. Gatsby isn't “great”. He is a criminal. His wealth, altough shared
is ill gotten and he is obsessive in his persuit of winning back Daisy Buchannan. But
in the end, he follows his dreams and maybe this is why the writer gives him the title

Why start this blog?

I am a repeat LC student wishing to head on to college this coming September. During the last few months and last year I have typed up the majority of notes on various subjects onto my laptop so that I can share them with you all. I think that it's a great way to learn by learning from notes off other people and hopefully these notes will be invaluable to you.

So, hopefully you like them and I wish you all the best with the studying!